The majority party would be unwise to deviate far from the principles it had laid before the electors 多数党如果远远背离原先向选民立下的原则,那将是不明智的。
The president appoints the leader of the majority party or majority coalition as prime minister. 总统任命多数党或党派联盟的领导为总理。
However, where a party manages an absolute majority of votes, but not of seats, that party is given additional seats to ensure a parliamentary majority. 如果一个政党获得了绝大多数选票但在议会中不占多数席位时,可以被给予额外的席位以确保议会的主导地位。
The prospect of current President Putin serving as prime minister and leader of the majority party has again raised speculation in Russia over how he will share power with his successor. 现任总统普京出任下届总理并兼任多数党领导人的前景再次引发了人们对俄罗斯的猜测,人们都想知道普京将如何同他的继任总统分享权力。
It is definitely untrue that all or the majority of our Party members have succumbed to unhealthy tendencies or that all or the majority of our leading cadres seek personal privilege. 决不是所有党员或多数党员都有不正之风,决不是所有领导干部或多数领导干部都搞特殊化。
We achieved something fantastic, said Ms Merkel, now facing a second four-year term. We achieved a stable majority in Germany for a new government... We can party tonight but there is a lot of work waiting for us. 连任德国总理的默克尔表示:我们获得了出色的结果,我们赢得了德国人绝大多数选票组建新政府我们可以在今晚举行宴会,但还有大量工作等着我们去做。
In school, students will join the majority, but when turned to the same party, they will use their own language. 在学校里,哪个支系的学生多就使用哪种语言,但同一支系的学生相互交谈又使用本支系的语言。
One consequence of party polarization is that the majority party has to frequently use unorthodox means to achieve its legislative goals. 两党分化的一个重要后果就是,国会多数党不得不经常通过非常手段来实现其立法目标。
His public statements are so obviously out of step with the majority of the party. 他的公开言论明显地与党内多数人不一致。
Leader of the majority party in a legislature. 在立法机构中是人数占多数党的领导。
This although the vast majority of Party members understand it only in a shallower sense is the inner meaning of the Party slogan: War is Peace. 这就是党的口号战争即和平的内在含义,不过大多数党员对此了解是很肤浅的。
Pranab Mukherjee told the financial times that the lack of a parliamentary majority for the Congress party was an obstacle to moves such as raising the cap on foreign investment in the pension and insurance sectors and steps to improve governance. 普拉纳博穆克吉(pranabmukherjee)对英国《金融时报》表示,国大党在议会中不占多数,这阻碍了它推动相关改革措施,如提高养老基金和保险行业的外国投资上限,以及改善治理的行动等。
He won the election by a large majority, and has become his party's fair-haired boy. 他以压倒性的多数票当选,已成为党内的红人。
For the past six years, through good times and bad, Mr Bush has been able to rely on two things: a solid Republican majority in the house and equally solid backing from the party faithful round the country. 过去的六年,不论境遇好坏,布什所倚仗者有二:共和党在众议院稳占绝对多数,以及举国之内来自本党对其同样坚强且忠诚的支持。
The majority leader rose to voice the party's opposition to the bill. 多数党领袖起来表示该党反对法案。
Individual Party members must be subordinate to the Party organization, the minority to the majority, the lower Party organizations to the higher, and all Party constituent organizations and members must be subordinate to the Central Committee. 个人必须服从组织,少数必须服从多数,下级必须服从上级,全党必须服从中央。
They had a large majority over the other party at the last election. 在上次选举中他们以悬殊的票数击败了对方。
The leader of the majority party is the speaker of the house of representatives. 主要党的领导是众议院的发言人。
For the majority it will be only a matter of strengthening their Party spirit through ideological education. 对大多数党员来说,是通过思想教育,增强党性。
In the world of today, absolute majority countries have parties and exercise party politics. 当今世界,绝大多数国家都存在政党,实行政党政治。
Party A agrees that Party B will obtain the majority equity position in the JVC as soon as Party B is ready to assume its majority role(" Equity Uptake"). 甲方同意只要乙方有能力接受其主要控股的主色即可在JVC获得主要控股地位。
I believe that if we work at it, we can win the support of the overwhelming majority of Party comrades for our assessment of the nature of the incident and for the measures we have taken to cope with it. 我相信,经过认真做工作,能取得党内绝大多数同志对定性和处理的拥护。
The senate majority leader is the floor spokesman for his party in the senate. 参议院多数派领导人是他政党在参议院中的代言人。
To always represent the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people, our Party must. 我们党要始终代表中国最广大人民的根本利益。
By dealing sternly with these criminals now, we will be giving some kind of education not only to the overwhelming majority of offenders, but to the whole Party and people. 现在我们严肃处理这样一批人,不但对绝大多数犯罪分子是一种教育,对全党、全国人民也是一种教育。
To consolidate the reigning base in a great agricultural country where the farming population makes up the majority, the Party should maintain a good relationship with the farmers, striving for and protecting their interests. 中国是个农业大国,农民占人口的大多数,巩固党的执政基础,必须处理好与农民的关系,必须代表并维护好农民的利益。
The legislative rules of the Senate and House of Representatives demonstrate great heterogeneity. The rules of the House of Representatives lay stress on majority principle, the major party can control legislation, and it is difficut for an individual representative to exert his or her influence. 美国参众两院的立法规则体现出很大的异质性,众议院规则强调多数决定原则,多数党可以控制立法,众议员个人很难在立法中施加影响。
Since reform and opening to the outside world, majority cadres at all levels in the Party and government comprehend the political achievement perceptive correctly and have done a lot of tangible work. 改革开放以来,我国各级党政干部绝大多数在政绩观上的认识是正确的,创造出了不少实实在在的政绩。
Internally, there are also existing the intricate relation of interests among the team of rural grassroots party organizations within the party branch, the branch secretary and the vast majority of rural party members. 从内部来看,农村基层党组织内部的党支部班子、支部书记和广大农村党员也存在错综复杂的利益关系。
China is a big agricultural country and the majority of party members and cadres in rural areas play a major role in the rural reforming, developing and stability. 我国是农业大国,广大农村党员干部是农村改革、发展、稳定的组织者、实施者和推动者。